Nymphal ticks have 8 legs and an obvious dorsal shield (the shield-like structure atop the abdomen). Nymphs of the major species of tick look very similar and specific identification will need to be made by a professional. If you were bitten by a nymphal tick, our laboratory technicians can identify it for you during the testing process. At TickCheck, we can test all of these видове кърлежи for all of the most common tick-borne diseases with over 99.99% accuracy.
If your pet has joint disorders, you may wish to see your veterinarian for advice. Be on the lookout for symptoms of a tick-borne disease, such as fever, headache, muscle ache, or rash. Should symptoms develop, see a physician immediately and tell them about the tick bite.
The Avon products have lower % active ingredients, and are registered for “biting midges, black flies, deer ticks, gnats, mosquitoes, no see-ums, and sandflies”. Since tick bites are painless, ticks are often discovered after they have begun to feed. We recommend using tweezers to grasp the tick, rather than using bare fingers.
April through July, and October through mid-November are periods when blacklegged tick nymphs or adults are most active. If you do spend time in tick-infested areas, wear proper clothing. They are stretchy material that fit over the laces and tops of boots, and can hold tucked pantlegs securely. A long sleeved shirt with snug collar and cuffs will also offer protection, if it is tucked in at the waist. Dressing this way helps keep ticks you do encounter on the outside of your clothing, where they may be spotted or brushed off.
Symptoms range from asymptomatic to life-threatening, and include fever, fatigue, chills, sweats, headache, and more. Severe symptoms are more likely in people who are immunosuppressed, have had their spleen removed, and/ or are elderly. Onset of symptoms is extremely variable after the tick bite, ranging from weeks to months.
It then clings to the host’s fur or clothing and crawls upward seeking a place to attach and feed. Attached American dog ticks are frequently found on the scalp and hairline at the back of the neck. The CDC notes that in most cases, the tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted. If the tick was on longer than 36 hours or if one feels sick after a tick bite of a shorter duration, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. Free-roaming dogs and cats are much more likely to encounter ticks than those that are confined to the home or yard. If ticks are found on pets, contact your veterinarian for information about an appropriate tick treatment.